You are invited to participate in the research study titled 'Identifying and defining the risk of respiratory disease in different brachycephalic breeds.' This study is being carried out by Dr. Fran Tomlinson under the supervision of Dr. Jane Ladlow as Principal Investigator, at the BOAS Research Group, University of Cambridge.

The purpose of the study is to primarily investigate the risk of breathing problems (BOAS) in a greater number of flatter-faced (brachycephalic) breeds. We are also investigating symptoms relating to Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia, and other conditions that certain brachycephalics can be at increased risk.

We are also recruiting a number of dogs from mesocephalic breeds (medium skull shapes) as scientific controls. 

Please be assured that any identifying information and your responses will remain confidential in compliance with GDPR. Anonymised data will be used in publications relating to the purpose of this study and may be used in further ethically approved research. Your participation is voluntary which means you have the right to withdraw at any time. This project has been approved by the Univeristy of Cambridge, Department of Veterinary Medicine Ethics and Welfare Committee [project reference CR530].

We very much appreciate your help with our research in which we hope to help secure the future health and welfare of these breeds.

For further information or regarding any queries please contact Fran Tomlinson on

Thank you!

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